What Is Your Wildest Mardi Gras Story?

In honor of Fat Tuesday today (or Mardi Gras if you're lucky enough to be NOLA'ing it up tonight) I figured I should share my one Bourbon St. story.

I went down to New Orleans back in 2011 to visit a friend that had just moved there. I heard loads of stories about Bourbon St. & the French Quarter (both good & debacherous LOL) and I couldn't wait to go out.

Fast forward to 2:45AM where I am sitting on a Bourbon St. curb, BAREFOOT & had apparently made best friends with a local puppeteer...

A few tips if you yourself are thinking of ever visiting this amazing place or have some dangerous plans for this evening...

1st- Beware of any "hurricane" or "fish bowl" drink before 8PM. One at 5:30P for dinner? Not advised.

2nd- Charge your phone! Ya know, for cabs, Ubers & just finding your friends when you're someplace you don't know. Yep, I'm a REAL solid decision maker.

3rd- ALWAYS KEEP YOUR SHOES ON. I feel like this is just life advice, but especially in New Orleans, or any spot that might have strangers & sticky floors. I still get shudders thinking about the fact that I did that!

4th- Eat. Carb up. Stop for snacks along the route. A late night hot dog before you head home. Anything to soak up the delicious bevvies you're undoubtedly down'ing through your fun night.

5th- Either toss or wash the beads. I'm not going to judge whatever you'd like to do with your top for some jewelry, but I definitely accidentally slept in some beads & it was not the best choice. The dye stained my skin & if you think your phone is disgusting with all the places and surfaces it touches, think about those beads. (But that's just the germaphobe in me coming out)

Have I been enough of a buzzkill? Honestly, New Orleans was amazing & I would rank it in the Top 10 places to anyone for places to see. BUt maybe mentally list a few of your personal tips :)

Ever had an amazing, crazy, memorable Mardi Gras? Tell me about it! (Pics don't hurt either... this one sums up mine pretty perfectly)


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